Holistic Web Content Strategy

In today's digital landscape, a holistic approach to web content strategy is more important than ever. Like in nature where different elements of an ecosystem work together to create a balanced and thriving environment, the elements of a digital strategy can work together to achieve more than the sum of their parts. One crucial aspect of this holistic approach is the incorporation of User Experience (UX) strategy, which focuses on creating content that not only meets the needs of the target audience but also aligns with the overall business goals and objectives.

How to build a holistic web content strategy:

  1. Embrace a holistic approach when planning your next web content strategy. Foreseeing the ripple effects from one aspect to another can be very useful
  2. Have an overarching strategy, with tactical pillars to support that strategy
  3. Always be testing

Ripple effects of a holistic web content strategy

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a prime example of how different elements work together in a digital ecosystem. SEO is not a singular entity but a concept that encompasses a wide range of tactics; keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, link building, and more. These elements work together to improve a website's search rankings and increase visibility to potential customers.

Create an overarching strategy, and prioritize projects that support it

Embracing a holistic marketing strategy allows businesses to go beyond simply creating content for the sake of it. It enables them to create content that is purpose-driven, aligning with the overall marketing goals and objectives. Goals and objectives belonging to any digital marketing efforts such as social media marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), and advertising should be co-created alongside other digital innovations to ensure they’re working together to strengthen the pillars that support the overarching strategy. By embracing an omni-channel digital experience strategy, companies can align their marketing, user experience, design, IT, and customer experience priorities to produce a holistic web content strategy that authentically represents their brand or organizational culture.

Always be testing

Measurable (data-driven) goals and objectives not only make you sound like a boss in meetings, they also empower testing. KPIs, baselines and measurable goals and objectives should be co-created alongside other digital innovations to ensure 1.) you’re able to test and 2.) you understand what success looks like. From there, your metrics can work together to strengthen the pillars that support the overarching strategy.

In essence, a holistic approach to digital marketing strategy, with a strong focus on UX strategy, helps in creating a digital ecosystem where all elements work together seamlessly to achieve the desired results. It takes away the guesswork of what content to produce and drives the creation of content that is meaningful, relevant, and impactful. It allows businesses to create their very own digital circle of life, where content creation, marketing tactics and user experience are in perfect harmony, driving success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.